Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hammarby 109

Hammarby turns 109 years old today.


Blogger Skip said...

Happy Birthday,

so is this the oldest club in Sweden?

6:18 AM  
Blogger AndersBerg said...

Both aik and Djurgården in Stockholm are like 10 years older. And then there might be other clubs that are even older than that.
Did Texas exist 109 years ago? :-)

12:15 AM  
Blogger Skip said...

Yes, of course!! Texas is way older, we just never had enough ICE to have a hockey team :-)

Actually, We do have Ice hockey, but no "clubs", just teams... our local team is the "Austin Ice Bats" - that's original!

todays high 84F, how much snow do you have right now? :~)

5:34 AM  

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