Monday, February 20, 2006

Saturday - a fun day with Cornelias and Axels friends

The saturday started with bath and saturday candy as usual.
Then we went skating at Kungsträdgården with Lea and Dafne (in the picture). Ramses, Claes, Lena, Mattias and Julia was there as well.
Cornelia is really improving every time we skate.
After we had a coffea at Kulturhuset. Axel, Cornelia, Lea and Ramses had their own pic-nic.
Claes, Lena, Julia, Mattias and I sat at a table.
Then we went to our appartment. Everybody helped making the dinner.

Daffne and Axel were dancing.
Then they paused in bed.
Later there was the Eurovision song contest.
It was a great day!


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