Monday, November 21, 2005

Car inspection

The car was inspected today, and nothing was wrong!


Blogger Skip said...

Nice looking car! Did you also have to switch the tires for winter?

I noticed there is snow on the ground in Stockholm today, and all the trees have shed their leaves... seems like it happend over night.

5:13 AM  
Blogger AndersBerg said...

I am impressed. How do you know so much about Sweden? How did you know about the snow?
I actually payed 350 SEK ($40) for switching my tires on Saturday.

5:16 AM  
Blogger Tomas Rutemark said...

Why didn't you just switch the tires yourself? Don't they teach you Stockholmers how to do that ;) Well can't agree that there was nothing wrong with the car, they just didn't find it

6:18 AM  
Blogger Skip said...

Tomas must have but some 'mickey' under the hood while you were not looking...

Check out my virtual trip around the world in 80 secs - which I start my day with - that is how I knew about the snow.

as for the historia prov, well I just look it up on the web, and recently Tomas complianed that I didn't have any swedish on my blog, so you can blame my bad swedish on him :) actually I'd love some feedback on my bad swedish like you did before!

5:19 PM  

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