Tuesday, February 10, 2009

W*gners 40 year old

This week-end we went to the first 40 year old party. All my friends turn 40 this year.
It was H*nrik W*gner and the party was great.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Long time...

As you might have noticed I have not published anything lately. The reason was that it was easy to find info about me and my friends for anyone.
Therefore I will code names, in order to make them unsearchable in the future.

Since last, there has been many birthdays. My sisters whole family became one year older in Octobe and November and my mother in December. My Grand-mother would have been 100 years old in January.
We celebrated Christmas at our home, for the first time and that was nice.

My friend Bj*rn will get married and we had a bachelor party for him. It was a lot of fun.
Alot of my friends, including me, turnes 40 this year. I will have a party June 27.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Stand up

We saw Johan Glans, swedish stand up the other day. It was good, but not as good as the other Swedish stand-up Fredrik Lindström and Henrik Schyffert.

Axel 5 November 4

Axel turned 5 and had a Halloween party for his friend.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Stockholm half Marathon

I ran Stockholm half Marathon. It was fun.

Fredrik Lindström

Hanna and I saw Fredrik Lindström, a Swedish stand-up. He was really good.

Fun Sunday

We had a fun Sunday, the other week. We started swimming in a pool and then we saw the film Wall-e.

Cornelia and horses

Cornelia loves riding. She does it every Saturday.

New office

We have moved with work to a new office. It is not in the center, but it is good that we can sit together.

Our wall

We have had problems with our wall with a leakage. Now it is fixed.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lego Star wars

We have bought a Play Station 2 and especially Axel plays a lot of Lego Star Wars.
We have made episode 1!

Week-end with Ramses

We helped a friend of Ramses building a bridge this week-end.

August - Cornelia and horses

Cornelia has learned how to ride a horse. First on a one week camp in Nacka, and now every Saturday in Djursholm.

July - France

We had almost 4 fantastic weeks in France. Cornelia learned how to swim and Axel is no longer affraid to be in the water.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Brännboll (Baseball) with Ramses

After midsummer we spent a day with Ramses family and we played brännboll. It was fun.

Midsummer with Mia and Johan

We spent midsummer with friends. Johan and I took the kids fishing. Cornelia got one fish that we gave to their cat.

Grandmas cat Castor

My mother went to her cousin in Dalarna and we took care of her cat, Castor.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 15 - Brunch with Lasse and Amie

June 13 - Last day in school

June 6 - National day

The national day we spent swimming. It was a warm day.

May 29 - Cornelia 7 years old!

Cornelia turned 7 and had a party at Riche.

May - Singing in school

In school they sang a great song.

May 24 - Cousin Daniel got married...

...at Grythyttan. It was a beutiful wedding.

May 18 - Hannas birthday!

May - Fighting at the door

It is important to be the first one...

May 12 - Almost spring and summer