Monday, January 21, 2008

Sunday skating

Sunday we went skating with Pål, Ruben and Julle and Hashim with family and Maria and Tom with family.

Swimming in Saltsjöbaden

Saturday it was raining so instead of skating we went swimming with Lea and Daphne.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Birthday parties

Axel and Cornelia went to a lot of birthday parties. This is Axel at Ottos 4 year old party.

Lets Dance

Adam was home this week-end from Israel.
We went to a pub, Adam, Hashim, Magnus and I, where Adam danced with a huge lady.

Cornelia disco

Cornelia invited som friends and had disco.
Axel and I went to the theater and after to McDonalds.

One day of snow

We got a couple of days of snow.

Fun at work

Axel and Cornelia followed med to work one day and they decorated my room. Axel painted a racing car that destroyes really big rocks...
...and Cornelia painted a girl.

Good friends

Cornelia and Axel fights sometimes, like all kids, but this Christmas holiday they have been really good friends.

Tamaguchis got babies

Cornelia and Axel got Tamagushis from my mother for Christmas. They have got babies!