Friday, January 26, 2007

Heaven and Hell

A friend from school died 40 years old. He live with his wife and two kids in New Zeeland. He has been sick for 3,5 years. His memorial service was in Katarina Chruch in Stockholm. I cried like a baby the whole ceremony.
Later we went to Kvarteret skatan with Mia and Johan Norden*dler. It is a play that is really funny.

I am a child

The other day we took a walk at work during lunch. We passed Vasaparken and saw a lot of sledges. Magnus, Markus and I went for a ride. It was fun.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Finally snow

This week has been fun. Thursday, Anna and Christina from GTECH came and had a drink in our appartment. Then we went to the restaurant where Christinas son work.
Today Axel and I met Magnus and Adam. Cornelia and Hanna met Blenda and Maria.
We had dinner with Lena, Claes and Ramses.
And tonight finally snow has arrived in Stockholm!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lot of work and week-end

The weeks passes fast when there is a lot to do. Then the week-ends passes as fast. This week-end we went to Vasaparken and Cornelia skated. Then we had dinner with Alice, Betty, Stafan and Anna. It was a nice dinner with a lot of food. Sunday we stayed mostly home, since it has been raining.

Monday, January 08, 2007


I got a new nick name this holiday and it is "sideways". It comes from this swedish soccer player. He is a midfielder that never does anything creative. He never passes offensively only sideways.
Hannas family belives I look like him.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year with promises

We had a great new year party at Robin and Nettans house in south Stockholm. Stefan and Mary with kids were there as well.
My new year promise is to quit using snus. And I am doing ok. The first day was no problem, the second day and today has been harder.