The weeks passes so fast right now. I have double work up to new year. Axel was sick Wednesday to Friday, but now he is well again. We went to Överjärvagård and Cornelia got to ride a horse. Hammarby has played to games in Royal League and lost both. They played the Danish team Bröndby and they should have won. But it was fun. Soon Hammarby will meet FCK, the best Danish team.
Last week we saw Borat. A great movie, see it. This week-end I met Robin, Stefan*2 and Micke. First we went to Centralbadet and after... O'Learys. I was a great night. Also a big THANKS to Johan Sahlin (Hannas brother) who fixed the internet connection at home.
Saturday, the kids and I vaccinated ourselves before our trip to Dubai. The kids were brave and I cried. After Cornelia went to a party and then we all went to Robin and Nettan for dinner. Sunday we went to Cornelia and Axels cousins, Lina and David. We had a birthday arty for all the kids and Sara, my sister, who turned 29...
Axel turned 3 years old November 4. Both kids were so excited. Axel got a lot of presents. We went out on Axels birthday and Axel brought his gun. Cornelia and her friend Lea had fun in the snow. Then we had party on Saturday for the family and Sunday for Axel and Cornelia day care friends.
I've been so buzy at work, that I have not had time to update the blog. The last week-end in October we took it easy. We went to a bowling hall with Ramses, Lena and Claes. I also made my first pumpkin. We also went shopping in Västermalms-gallerian